Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Elimination of Ben Briley.

I was kind of anxious to see tonight’s performers, because we all get to FINALLY see Harry ‘Mr. I-Know-Everything-About-Music’ perform his unknown music. Since Harry seems to criticize every small thing about the contestant’s performances, I couldn’t wait to see what he can do. Harry sucks as an Artist. (Laugh out loud.) He can’t sing in my opinion, the best he can do is play the piano. His singing voice is so dry and low. Where did Idol dig him up from? SERIOUSLY?  

The second guest performer of the night was an Artist by the name of Mali Music; he performed his single ‘Beautiful’. I enjoyed it, although I’ve never heard of this Artist, which gives me more reason to do research on him. Apparently he’s a Singer, Songwriter, and Producer. He’s been pursing music strongly since 2002, when he released his first album. He has an upcoming album to be released in May, and you also can follow him on twitter @MaliMusic.

The bottom three contestants of the night are Ben Briley, Majesty Rose, and Sam Woolf.

Tonight the bottom three was bittersweet. It was some good and bad in there, which lacked in the past couple of weeks. This week I feel like America slightly got it right. I would have liked to see someone who didn’t go into the bottom three go home, but since they didn’t, the next weakest contestant was up. Ben Briley was the least voted contestant this week, nor did he get the judges save. Ben was an okay contestant, although I honestly feel like he should have been left in the stage before the Top 13. There was nothing spectacular about him. In spite of that, I wish him nothing but the best though, I wish him success with his career and so on. Good luck Ben.

See you guys next week. 


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